Alexandra B. Porter
Alexandra B. Porter, Ph. D.
REST FROM PAIN: A Lecture On the Addiction of Drugs
Un Descanso en el Dolor: Conferencia Sobre la Adicción a Drogas
The New Era: A Simple Truth About Race Spirit
La Nueva Era: Una Verdad Sencilla Sobre el Espíritu Racial
Living with Christ
Lectures and Essays by Alexandra B. Porter, Ph. D.
Devoted to studies designed to aid the modern seeker to a spiritual reorientation
in the Light od the Rosicrucian Wisdom.
Meditation Walk at Mount Ecclesia, The Rosicrucian Fellowship International Headquarters
" Eu sou a luz do mundo;
quem me segue, de modo algum andará em trevas,
mas terá a luz da vida."
João 8:12
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Rua Enes de Souza, 19 Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, R.J. Brasil 20521-210
Telefone celular: (21) 9548-7397
Filiado a The Rosicrucian Fellowship
Mt. Ecclesia, Oceanside , CA, USA
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