Cosmic Astrology & Rosicrucian Philosophy |
Lecture Series on Cosmic Astrology & Rosicrucian Philosophy by Richard Koepsel Richard Koepsel has been a student of The Rosicrucian Fellowship for just about 50 years (August 1963). His view of it all is "Freely have ye received, now freely give".
The Horsehead Nebula in the constellation Orion
Summer Schools LECTURES Audio MP3 In 2004 our unofficial Rosicrucian Fellowship Healing Prayer Group in Madison, Wisconsin decided to host a one week summer school for students and friends of the Rosicrucian philosophy living in Wisconsin and the Midwest. The effort proved to be a success in the eyes of both the attendees and the presenters so we have continued to the present. Since that first year students have come from all parts of the United States. The format was, and is, simple. We offer four or five talks per day for each of the five weekdays. For summer schools presentations are limited to some part of the Rosicrucian philosophy and presenters must be affiliated with the Rosicrucian Fellowship. I have been one of the presenters every year. When preparing for the first summer school it seemed a good idea to develop one topic in the Rosicrucian philosophy for the week rather than to speak to many different topics and that is what I have done every year. Since many students are also interested in spiritual astrology, five astrology talks are also presented each year. The astrology talks are meant to be parallel to the philosophy talks on the same topic to augment and elaborate the philosophy talks. In some cases there is as much or more philosophy in the astrology talks as there is in the philosophy talks. The following paragraphs are descriptions of the summer school series of philosophy and supplementary astrology talks.
LECTURES ON COSMIC ASTROLOGY AND ROSICRUCIAN PHILOSOPHYBuilding The Soul Body & Astrology of the Vital BodyWorking on Desire & Astrology and the Desire BodyCycles in Rosicrucian Philosophy & The Lunation Cycle Consciousness & Flavors of Consciousness Rosicrucian Spiritual Exercises & Aspects as Tools of Consciousness
Cause and Consequence & Astrology and DestinySome Thoughts on Healing & Astrological Homunculi Coevolution & Octave Astrology The Evolutionary Creation & Horoscope Evolution
Aquarius by Johfra Bosschart Independent Courses LECTURES Audio MP3
"Hence the disciple of the Ancient Wisdom is taught to realize that man is not essentially a personality, but a spirit." (Manly P. Hall)
2222 Mission Avenue, Oceanside, CA 92054-2399, USA (760) 757-6600 (voice), (760) 721-3806 (fax)
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